MOTOROLA摩托罗拉MVME5500-0163 单板计算机
发布者:hekunen  发布时间:2022-03-18 17:17:04

• 处理器:MPC7455 1 GHz
• 内存:512 MB SDRAM
• IEEE 处理

部件号:01-W3829F 01D、01-W3829F 01H

  • 1 GHz 的 MPC7450 系列 PowerPC 处理器
  • 512 KB 片上二级缓存和 2 MB 三级缓存
  • 用于高性能计算应用的 AltiVec 协处理器
  • 两排焊接闪存
  • 双独立 64 位 PCI 总线和 PMC 站点

艾默生/摩托罗拉 MVME5500 系列 VMEbus 单板计算机旨在满足 OEM 的需求,包括国防和航空航天、工业自动化和医学成像市场领域的 OEM。
寻求应用技术更新同时保持与其现有 VMEbus 基础设施向后兼容性的客户可以升级到 MVME5500 系列并利用增强的性能特性。

MVME5500 采用运行频率为 1 GHz 的 MPC7457 处理器,非常适合数据密集型应用。MVME5500 提供的不仅仅是更好的处理器性能;它还提供来自处理器、内存、双独立本地总线和 I/O 子系统的平衡性能。

强大的 Marvell 系统控制器支持 133 MHz 主机总线和 133 MHz SDRAM 内存总线,与高速处理器完美匹配。为了使系统 I/O 与出色的处理器性能相匹配,MVME5500 提供了双 64 位、33/66 MHz PCI 总线。每条 PCI 总线都有一个 PMC 站点,支持以 33 或 66 MHz 运行的卡。Universe II VME 接口和 PMCspan 连接器在专用 33 MHz PCI 总线段上与 PMC 站点隔离,因此两个 PMC 站点都能够以 66 MHz 运行。

MVME5500 还提供一个千兆以太网接口、一个 10/100BaseTX 以太网接口和两个串行端口。所有这些加起来就是一组平衡良好的高性能子系统,可提供的性能。

A device driver simplifies programming by acting as a translator between the hardware and the application (user code), or the kernel that uses it, hiding the details of how the hardware works. Programmers can write the higher-level application code using a set of standardized calls (system calls)—independent of the specific hardware device it will control or the processor it will run on. Using a well-defined internal application programming interface (kernel API) the application code and device driver can interface in a standard way regardless of the software superstructure or underlying hardware.

Operating systems (OS) handle the details of hardware operation for a specific processor platform. Kernel (OS) internal hardware abstraction layers (HALs) and processor-specific peripheral drivers (such as I2C® or SPI bus drivers) allow even a typical device driver to be processor platform independent. This approach allows a device driver—for the AD7879 touch screen digitizer, for example—to be used without modification on any processor platform running Linux, with any graphical user interface (GUI) package and suitable application running on top of the Linux kernel. If the hardware designer decides to change to the AD7877 touch-screen controller, (s)he can do so without input from their software team. Drivers are available for both devices; and while they differ and can connect differently (the AD7877 is SPI only, and the AD7879 is SPI or I2C)—and they both have different register maps—the kernel API that is exposed to user code for touch screens is exactly the same. This puts control of the hardware back into the hands of the hardware architect.

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