PM864AK01 处理器单元套件
发布者:hekunen  发布时间:2022-03-18 17:23:49

CPU 板包含微处理器和 RAM 存储器、实时时钟、LED 指示灯、INIT 按钮和 CompactFlash 接口。

PM864A 控制器的底板上有两个 RJ45 以太网端口(CN1、CN2)用于连接控制网络,以及两个 RJ45 串行端口(COM3、COM4)。其中一个串行端口(COM3)是带有调制解调器控制信号的 RS-232C 端口,而另一个端口(COM4)是隔离的,用于连接配置工具。控制器支持 CPU 冗余以提高可用性(CPU、CEX-Bus、通信接口和 S800 I/O)。

简单的 DIN 导轨连接/拆卸程序,使用独特的滑动和锁定机制。所有基板都配有唯一的以太网地址,为每个 CPU 提供硬件标识。该地址可在 TP830 底板上的以太网地址标签上找到。


  • 可靠性和简单的故障诊断程序
  • 模块化,允许逐步扩展
  • IP20 等级保护,无需外壳
  • 控制器可配置 800xA 控制生成器
  • 控制器具有完整的 EMC 认证
  • 使用一对 BC810 的分段 CEX-Bus
  • 基于通信连接标准的硬件(以太网、PROFIBUS DP 等)

  • 内置冗余以太网通讯端口

Each particular category may feature several independent device core layers within the Linux kernel, helping developers to implement drivers that serve standardized purposes—such as video, audio, network, input device, or backlight handling. Typically, each one of these subsystems has its own directory in the Linux kernel source tree. This device driver core approach removes code that would otherwise be common to all device drivers of a specific class and builds a standardized interface to the upper layer. Each class device, or bus device core driver, typically exports a set of functions to its child. Drivers register with such core drivers and use the API exported by the core driver instead of registering a character/block/network driver of their own. This typically includes support and handling for multiple instances—and the way data is distributed between layers. Huge portions of the system have very little interest in how devices are connected, but they need to know what kinds of devices are available. The Linux device model also includes a mechanism to assign devices to a specific class, such as input, RTC (real-time clock), net (networking), or GPIO (general-purpose input/output). These class names describe such devices at a higher, functional level and allow them to be discovered from user space.

There may be several device-driver subsystems associated with a particular piece of hardware. A multifunction chip, like the ADP5520 backlight driver with I/O expander, concurrently leverages the Linux backlight, LED, GPIO, and input subsystems for its keypad functionality.

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