Micro Innovation AG GF0-57CQD-002微型面板
发布者:hekunen  发布时间:2022-03-18 18:05:41






新版本中我们开始使用FFEPlus迭代和英特尔Direct Sparse解算器,并且通过基于函数的处理将求解扩展到包含接头和其他特征的仿真算例。同时自动解算器选择也扩展到了非线性、频率和扭曲算例。

a.FFEPlus迭代和英特尔 Direct Sparse 解算器






选择方程式解算器的算法已得到改进,可以做到非线性、频率和扭曲算例的自动解算。 方程式解算器(英特尔 Direct Sparse 或 FFEPlus迭代)的选择取决于方程式数量、载荷实例、网格类型、几何特征、接触和接头特征以及可用的系统内存。


c.用于线性动态算例的英特尔 Direct Sparse 解算器

新版本我们可以将英特尔 Direct Sparse 解算器用于线性动态算例,将选定基准激发用于频率和响应计算。如果在运行仿真时遇到求解器故障,SOLIDWORKS Simulation 会提示我们将记录求解器故障相关信息的文件发送给技术支持团队。开发团队可以根据 SIMSTACK-*.dmp 文件中的数据从导致求解器故障的模块中提取信息,而无需使用任何其他信息,现在无需共享机密模型数据即可对仿真求解器故障进行故障排除。

When a module is loaded, it can also be given configuration parameters. For a module that is built into the kernel, parameters are passed to it during the kernel boot. For example:

root:~> insmod ./sample_module.ko argument=1

root:~> lsmod

Module Size Used by

sample_module 1396 0 - Live 0x00653000

root:~> rmmod sample_module

Drivers can also be instantiated multiple times, with different settings, with the target device sitting on a different I2C slave ID, connected to a different SPI slave select, or mapped to a different physical memory address. All instances share the same code, which saves memory, but will have individual data sections.

Since Linux is a preemptive multitasking, multiuser operating system, almost all device drivers and kernel subsystems are designed to allow multiple processes (possibly owned by different users) to leverage the devices concurrently. Popular examples are the network, audio, or input interfaces. Key-press or -release events of an ADP5588 QWERTY keypad controller are time-stamped, queued, and sent to all processes that opened the input event device. These event codes are the same on all architectures and are hardware independent. There is no difference between reading a USB keyboard and reading the ADP5588 from user space. Event types are differentiated from codes. A keypad sends key-events (EV_KEY), together with codes identifying the key and some state value representing the press- or release action. A touch screen sends absolute coordinate events (EV_ABS) with a triplet consisting of x, y, and touch pressure, while a mouse sends relative movement events (EV_REL). An ADXL346 accelerometer may send key events for tap or double taps while it sends absolute-coordinate events for the acceleration.

In some applications, it could also make sense if the ADXL346 accelerometer generated relative events, or sent a specific key code—very application-specific settings. In general, there are two ways of driver customization: during run time or during compile time.

Device characteristics that are likely to be customized during run time use module parameters or /sys entries.

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