电话:021-69125702 企业QQ:2355818229 Email: 2355818229@zcjd-sh.com
传真:021-61294745 电话繁忙时或者我不在办公室时请拨打手机
邮编:201803 地址:上海市嘉定区张掖路333号818室(上海电子商城)
电缆连接: 圆形螺拧接口(欧标)M8、M12、M16、M23、7/8",标配的总线接口(接口达到IP67防护等级)
10535 4048879029216 MEF EMC-Filter 3-phase 1-stage
10537 4048879029209 MEF EMC-Filter 3-phase 1-stage
10538 4048879029193 MEF EMC-Filter 3-phase 1-stage
10539 4048879029186 MEF EMC-Filter 3-phase 1-stage
10550 4048879029179 MEF EMC-Filter 3-phase 2-stage
10551 4048879029162 MEF EMC-Filter 3-phase 2-stage
10552 4048879029155 MEF EMC-Filter 3-phase 2-stage
10553 4048879029148 MEF EMC-Filter 3-phase 2-stage
10554 4048879029131 MEF EMC-Filter 3-phase 2-stage
10555 4048879029124 MEF EMC-Filter 3-phase 2-stage
10556 4048879029117 MEF EMC-Filter 3-phase 2-stage
10571 4048879029100 MEF EMC-Filter 3-phase 1-stage with neutral
10572 4048879029094 MEF EMC-Filter 3-phase 1-stage with neutral
10574 4048879029087 MEF EMC-Filter 3-phase 1-stage with neutral
10575 4048879029070 MEF EMC-Filter 3-phase 1-stage with neutral
10577 4048879029063 MEF EMC-Filter 3-phase 1-stage with neutral
10578 4048879029056 MEF EMC-Filter 3-phase 1-stage with neutral
10600 4048879029049 FEF EMI-Filter, 3-phase
10601 4048879029032 FEF EMI-Filter, 3-phase
10602 4048879029025 FEF EMI-Filter, 3-phase
11004 4048879278652 M12 male straight with cable
11006 4048879278638 M12 male angular / MSUD valve b BI 11mm 0°
11007 4048879278621 M12 male angular / MSUD valve b BI 11mm 0°
11113 4048879333238 M12 male straight 4pol./ M12 female straight 8pol.
12219 4048879277914 MSUD valve BF CI 9,4mm with free cable end
12220 4048879277907 MSUD valve BF CI 9,4mm with free cable end
12221 4048879277891 MSUD valve BF CI 9,4mm with free cable end
12225 4048879277884 MSUD valve BF C 8,0mm with free cable end
12226 4048879277877 MSUD valve BF C 8,0mm with free cable end
12227 4048879277860 MSUD valve BF C 8,0mm with free cable end
电磁阀接口:FORM A(18mm),B(10mm),C(11mm),CI(9.4mm) 注:括号内为针脚间距,适合各种接口类型
M8分线盒: Extra8: 双排4路,8路,10路(3针/4针 可选)
MVP8 : 单排4路,6路,8路,10路
M12分线盒:Extra8: 经济型 IP67防护
MVP12 : 普通型 PNP和NPN类型可选,IP67防护
MVP12 :金属型 金属材质 抗震动性能强,防止静电和外部干扰,适合各类恶劣环境 125V AC/DC 或 24V DC 可选