印刷辊,印铁辊,陶瓷辊,uv辊,镭射辊,耐溶剂发泡辊,砂光辊,涂胶辊,电子腹膜辊,除尘辊,磨皮辊,硅胶辊,pu辊,染整辊,烫金轮等。 橡胶胶辊,硅胶辊,橡胶轮
printing roll, Indian iron rollers, ceramic roll, uv roll, laser-roll, solvent resistance foam roller, sanding roll, roll coating, electronic peritoneal roller, roller dust, Mopi Roll, Roll silica gel, pu roll, dyeing and finishing roll, bronzing round, and so on. The major products imported polyurethane (PU), acrylonitrile-butadiene rubber (NBR), silicone rubber (SI), neoprene (CR), B propylene rubber (EPDM), natural rubber (CR), Ding Benjiao (SRR ), Butyl rubber (IIR), and other raw materials to produce the production.